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Trump to win?

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  • Re: Trump to win?

    This is an interview Trump gave in 2013. Fair warning: the editor put in some very annoying repeats in places. Aside from that, it's interesting because it showed Trump speaking calmly and thoughtfully. He was not a loose cannon. Like I've suspected, a lot of his angry ranting is an act for the cameras because the more media attention he gets, the more he can dominate the race.

    He didn't predict the dollar strength we're having now but he was aware of a lot of things we discuss here- stuff he's not talking about on the campaign trail. If this is who he really is and what he really thinks, I'd be inclined to vote for him in spite of misgivings.

    Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


    • Re: Trump to win?

      Originally posted by shiny! View Post
      This is an interview Trump gave in 2013. Fair warning: the editor put in some very annoying repeats in places. Aside from that, it's interesting because it showed Trump speaking calmly and thoughtfully. He was not a loose cannon. Like I've suspected, a lot of his angry ranting is an act for the cameras because the more media attention he gets, the more he can dominate the race.

      He didn't predict the dollar strength we're having now but he was aware of a lot of things we discuss here- stuff he's not talking about on the campaign trail. If this is who he really is and what he really thinks, I'd be inclined to vote for him in spite of misgivings.
      You have some company apparently. I too would pay good money to see The Donald mano a mano with Putin

      The journalist and TV presenter claimed Mr Trump would be 'more moderate' in the White House

      Piers Morgan has dubbed Donald Trump a “right-wing Richard Branson” while attempting to allay fears over the prospect of the billionaire property tycoon becoming US President.

      Mr Morgan, who appeared with the Republican candidate on American television series the Celebrity Apprentice, said the pair have known each other for a decade and speak “regularly” on the phone.

      Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, the journalist and presenter, said he was “very impressed” with Mr Trump, who he described as smart, warm and in possession of a sense of perspective and the ability to “play people like a concert conductor”.

      “When I see Trump being more outrageous in some of the things that he’s saying and doing now, I think he’s just doing that just to grab media attention and I think the reality of a Trump Presidency, if it came to it, would be an awful lot more moderate,” Mr Morgan said....

      ...“I personally wouldn’t vote for Trump, however as a Republican candidate successful in this election he’s tapped into the popular mood about a number of hot button issues,” he added.

      “(If you) look at a lot of Trump’s businesses…you can probably slightly relax a little bit about how outrageous he would be.

      “I read Trump’s going to be the new Hitler and I find that an absolutely facile way of looking at a guy who’s basically a right-wing Richard Branson.”...

      ...Addressing the ever more likely possibility of a President Trump in the White House, Mr Morgan claimed he would be valuable as “one of the great deal-makers in the world”, adding that he would “pay good money” to see him in a room with Vladimir Putin...


      • Re: Trump to win?

        Originally posted by shiny! View Post
        Like I've suspected, a lot of his angry ranting is an act for the cameras because the more media attention he gets, the more he can dominate the race.
        Now that the nomination seems secure, I think Trump is already pivoting away from loudmouth stir-em-up TV squawker to the calm persona you see in this interview you've posted. I've also wondered if he isn't faking dumb in the primaries (“We'll replace Obamacare with something terrific.”), so he can surprise people later with more lucid, detailed plans. As for reading the American electorate, only time will tell where he falls in the continuum between idiot and genius. My only American friends really enjoying this are the ones holding two passports.


        • Re: Trump to win?

          Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
          Now that the nomination seems secure, I think Trump is already pivoting away from loudmouth stir-em-up TV squawker to the calm persona you see in this interview you've posted. I've also wondered if he isn't faking dumb in the primaries (“We'll replace Obamacare with something terrific.”), so he can surprise people later with more lucid, detailed plans. As for reading the American electorate, only time will tell where he falls in the continuum between idiot and genius. My only American friends really enjoying this are the ones holding two passports.

          Play to the crazy end of the spectrum to win the primaries.

          Play to the middle, and talk back the crazy, to win the general election.


          • Re: Trump to win?

            Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
            Now that the nomination seems secure, I think Trump is already pivoting away from loudmouth stir-em-up TV squawker to the calm persona you see in this interview you've posted. I've also wondered if he isn't faking dumb in the primaries (“We'll replace Obamacare with something terrific.”), so he can surprise people later with more lucid, detailed plans. As for reading the American electorate, only time will tell where he falls in the continuum between idiot and genius. My only American friends really enjoying this are the ones holding two passports.

            Play to the crazy end of the spectrum to win the primaries.

            Play to the middle, and talk back the crazy, to win the general election.


            • Re: Trump to win?

              Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post
              Play to the crazy end of the spectrum to win the primaries.

              Play to the middle, and talk back the crazy, to win the general election.
              I've a bad feeling we're in for the worst election cycle ever experienced. A billion $$ spent on TV and internet ads that say the following:

              Clinton ad: Mexicans are rapists, I have to look into it, (the KKK), McCain isn't a hero, can't trust him, can't trust him, can't trust him....
              Trump ad: Benghazi, she's old and in bad health, private email server while Secretary of State, can't trust her, can't trust her, can't trust her...

              Repeat 100,000,000 times until election day...and these two are friends in case anyone thinks there's more going on here than a difference of opinion on how to divide the spoils.


              • Re: Trump to win?

                Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
                I've a bad feeling we're in for the worst election cycle ever experienced. A billion $$ spent on TV and internet ads that say the following:

                Clinton ad: Mexicans are rapists, I have to look into it, (the KKK), McCain isn't a hero, can't trust him, can't trust him, can't trust him....
                Trump ad: Benghazi, she's old and in bad health, private email server while Secretary of State, can't trust her, can't trust her, can't trust her...

                Repeat 100,000,000 times until election day...and these two are friends in case anyone thinks there's more going on here than a difference of opinion on how to divide the spoils.
                you think that stuff is worse than "obama's a muslim who was born in kenya."


                • Re: Trump to win?

                  What's better than Trump winning?

                  These people losing:


                  • Re: Trump to win?

                    trump is the only republican talking about spending a lot of money on infrastructure. the others are still stuck in their small gov't rhetoric.

                    can't say i recognize most of the names in your list, woodsman, but those that i do certainly deserve a comeuppance.


                    • Re: Trump to win?

                      Originally posted by jk View Post
                      you think that stuff is worse than "obama's a muslim who was born in kenya."
                      Good point. Clinton can use that one in the last few days of the election cycle. Oh, it's going to be ugly.


                      • Re: Trump to win?

                        Originally posted by jk View Post
                        trump is the only republican talking about spending a lot of money on infrastructure. the others are still stuck in their small gov't rhetoric.

                        can't say i recognize most of the names in your list, woodsman, but those that i do certainly deserve a comeuppance.
                        No doubt. Trump, being a builder, will build with a pharaonic enthusiasm. I'm wondering if where he's standing now, he really appreciates the resources that will be laid before him once president. He'll know soon enough.

                        We should expect vanity projects on a scale that would make Mobutu Sese Seko and Emílio Garrastazu Médici blush. And debt, lots and lots of debt. The sort of debt you'd associate with Trump projects only writ large across the land.

                        We do what we know and what we know we do well. And the Donald has done very well by applying "yuuge" amounts of capital generated by hinky bonds to the construction of massive projects with all the grandeur and utility of the Great Pyramids, which then inevitably end in bankruptcy, litigation and become a drain on the communities involved. We surely do need the infrastructure spending and might even experience something of a Brazilian Miracle for a time. Even misallocated capital of the sort the Donald specializes can generate aggregate growth for a while. Consider the Reagan Administration, for chrissakes.

                        But I don't expect any meaningful reform or that the boundaries of acceptable policy will shift in any appreciable fashion or that the locus of power will shift. And he seems every bit the militarist as Mobutu and Médici so like Brazil and Argentina I should not be surprised if we were to experience a similarly brutal authoritarian crackdown.

                        The lumpen elements will satisfy their lust and the corporate/finance elements will continue to satisfy their lust too. We'll continue to do that for a bit longer before we finally do become Brazil and Argentina and the rest of the economic basket cases all rolled up into one transcontinental package. Then I think we'll go to war.

                        And the Donald, if he remains true to himself, well he'll be long gone from the scene and smelling like a rose in a Worth Avenue garden.


                        • Re: Trump to win?

                          Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                          No doubt. Trump, being a builder, will build with a pharaonic enthusiasm.
                          Buy gold now. There will be a lot of gold required to appease the new king.


                          • Re: Trump to win?

                            can't you see trump and putin sitting down like a gangland summit, sorting out the middle east?

                            one western leader who always got along very well with putin was silvio berlusconi, whom trump resembles in many ways.


                            • Re: Trump to win?

                              Ohio's 'dirty little secret': blue-collar Democrats for Trump



                              • Re: Trump to win?

                                Originally posted by LazyBoy View Post
                                Ohio's 'dirty little secret': blue-collar Democrats for Trump

                                I have a lifelong trustie - born on a SAC base, officer dad flew Chrome Dome & knew LeMay, small business owner family held 70 years same location, mom hosted Bush the Elder at her home for a fundraiser, right wing cred up the wazoo - and he's not voting for Marco (based on a betrayal of Jeb! narrative I can't quite understand) and especially despises Cruz. He's rolling the dice with Trump.

                                I think Trump is probably going to win Ohio and Florida. If he does, he cements the nomination, destroys Kasich and does a damnatio memoriae to the name Marco Rubio.

                                Polls: Trump leads Kasich in Ohio, Rubio in Florida

                                Trump tops Rubio by 16 points in Florida, leading 40 to 24 percent, while Ted Cruz follows at 19 percent and Kasich at 5 percent in the latest CNN/ORC polls.

                                In Ohio, the controversial businessman bests Kasich by a smaller margin of 6 points, 41 to 35 percent, with Cruz at 15 percent and Rubio at 7 percent.


