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Mega TEA Party

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  • ThePythonicCow
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by samgold View Post
    My humble opinion.
    Well said, Sam. Thanks.

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  • hayekvindicated
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
    I believe it was the conservative columnist Sam Francis who bestowed the Stupid Party and Evil Party labels on the Pubs and Dems, respectively, sometime in the early 90's.
    Actually, the "stupid party" vs "evil party" first came from John Stuart Mill in 19th century England. I'll try to dig up the reference.

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  • LargoWinch
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
    The free market is what got the USA into this mess. And you don't see that fact?

    Tell the truth, for once, to your tea party meetings and at your NRA meetings. Tell the truth about what "conservatives" all have done to the country by blocking change and letting free market capitalism continue to run-wild.
    Steve, there are days when I wonder if you and VancouverGoinUp are one and the same.

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  • WDCRob
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Re: stupid and evil parties...

    There's a great Simpson's episode where Lisa Simpson wins a contest from 'Reading Digest' (catchline: "Brevity is...wit.") and goes to Washington.

    On her tour of the Capitol she enters a Democratic room, hung with a banner that says, "We can't govern." Moving onto the Republican room the banner reads, "We're just plain evil."

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  • BuckarooBanzai
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
    The free market is what got the USA into this mess. And you don't see that fact?

    The de-regulation of banking, the de-regulation of Wall St, the "greed-is-good", the supply-side economics of Ronald Reagan and Arthur Laffer, the Proposition 13 tax revolt in California, the for-PROFIT healthcare system, the repeal of the Glass-Stiegel Act by Congress, the zero interest rates to benefit Wall St, the "deficits don't count" by the George W. Bush, "the world needs America to consume", the "trickle-up economics" by Nixon, the bail-outs orchestrated by Goldman-Sachs, the T.A.R.P. that Bernanke demanded, the new Hummers and Yukons by Detroit, the corruption of the Congress by lobbyists for big business ---- all of this is the result of America's free market economy. Take a good look.......... The evidence is overwhelming. Completely unregulated free market capitalism is what killed America, nothing else, not socialism, not liberalism, not Democrats; capitalism run-a-muck is what killed America.

    It is almost as if these Republicans have been asleep for 40 years or more, unwilling or unable to see the truth.... They have controlled the govn't in America for most the last 40 years, and yet they take no responsibility for any of this. They "know-nothing". And the know-nothings are still blocking change, right now thru the Senate, blocking healthcare reform in every way possible.

    Tell the truth, for once, to your tea party meetings and at your NRA meetings. Tell the truth about what "conservatives" all have done to the country by blocking change and letting free market capitalism continue to run-wild.
    You are wrong in so many ways I don't even know where to start with this. You have correctly identified some symptoms but have mis-attributed the causes for those symptoms quite badly.
    Last edited by BuckarooBanzai; September 13, 2009, 02:09 PM. Reason: accidentally submitted before finishing.

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  • Ghent12
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by babbittd View Post
    Sounds completely non-partisan to me!
    Imagine that! The anti-big-government rally is chanting against the people currently controlling and occupying the big government. Who'da thunk it?:rolleyes:

    Although you are right about the general level of ignorance, that problem will seemingly always exist! It's like when Code Pink and other nut jobs attack recruiters in California. Like it or not, the military has nothing to do with why we invaded Iraq. It is very hard to educate a passionate person that their passion is being misdirected.

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  • Starving Steve
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by MulaMan View Post
    This is VERY true. My parents escaped the U.S.S.R and I grew up with those lessons and I also feel the USA is more like the U.S.S.A each day and American's just don't get it - especially those that think they are "republican" and somehow voting for "conservative" or "free market" ideas.. is very hard to grasp how blind and ignorant people can be. Sad actually.

    If you are republican and American then the only person you should be voting for is Ron Paul and if you are democrate then vote for Kucinich or someone like that.
    The free market is what got the USA into this mess. And you don't see that fact?

    The de-regulation of banking, the de-regulation of Wall St, the "greed-is-good", the supply-side economics of Ronald Reagan and Arthur Laffer, the Proposition 13 tax revolt in California, the for-PROFIT healthcare system, the repeal of the Glass-Stiegel Act by Congress, the zero interest rates to benefit Wall St, the "deficits don't count" by the George W. Bush, "the world needs America to consume", the "trickle-up economics" by Nixon, the bail-outs orchestrated by Goldman-Sachs, the T.A.R.P. that Bernanke demanded, the new Hummers and Yukons by Detroit, the corruption of the Congress by lobbyists for big business ---- all of this is the result of America's free market economy. Take a good look.......... The evidence is overwhelming. Completely unregulated free market capitalism is what killed America, nothing else, not socialism, not liberalism, not Democrats; capitalism run-a-muck is what killed America.

    It is almost as if these Republicans have been asleep for 40 years or more, unwilling or unable to see the truth.... They have controlled the govn't in America for most the last 40 years, and yet they take no responsibility for any of this. They "know-nothing". And the know-nothings are still blocking change, right now thru the Senate, blocking healthcare reform in every way possible.

    Tell the truth, for once, to your tea party meetings and at your NRA meetings. Tell the truth about what "conservatives" all have done to the country by blocking change and letting free market capitalism continue to run-wild.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; September 13, 2009, 01:03 PM.

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  • Slimprofits
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by WDCRob View Post
    No... from all appearances they're only protesting developments that came abut from November 4th, 2008 and after.

    The idea that these aren't partisans is a joke. Based on the signs, posters, chants, speeches, legislative branch supporters and etc it's obvious that these "crowds" are made up almost entirely by the Republican Party's most loyal voters.

    And it's equally clear that what they're really protesting is Obama himself.
    Watching coverage on Fox News, two out of three signs mention Obama.

    Five out of the six people that Glenn Beck interviewed during one hour of coverage used their airtime to make explicit, anti-Obama statements.

    And from the report that you linked to:

    Q: Who are the main spokesman for what this is about? A: Nobody really gets it. Glenn Beck comes the closest. No mentions of Rush Limbaugh. A couple of Hannity mentions.

    My sense is that most of the people there used to be “social conservatives”, but got so burnt out by Bush 2 and the trough-feeding by the post-Contract-With-America Republicans in power that now they are basically in the I'm mad as hell, “throw the bums” non-partisans.

    Some of the key ideas/slogans were:

    “You Work For Me” - these folks have concluded that the politicians exist just to feather their own beds and their big buck-insider pals.

    “No Obama Health Care” - my conclusion is that this is a case where folks realize that the reason why the Obama health-care plan is so nebulous is because the politicians are clearly lying and that it would never pass (be acceptable to the public) if it was clearly stated because it is intended to benefit the Washington insiders (and their elite pals) and screw the “hard-working”.

    "You Lie" - applies especially to Obama, but also to all of the politicians in congress. (nice little spin here by the writer. everyone that is paying attention knows these signs were ONLY about Obama, as inspired by Rep. Joe Wilson)

    There was no clear fingering of the banksters or any other corporations (other than a resentment of the mainstream media). No much anti-Federal Reserve talk. The hostility was focused against unlistening politicians, power-hungy politicians and politicians taking/spending other people's money especially not for those people's own good.
    Sounds completely non-partisan to me!

    It's important to note Bernanke is still held up as a God. And mainstream Republicans place 100% of the blame for Fed policies that they don't like, at the feet of Obama. If you don't believe me / think my response is itself partisan nonsense than get off your ass and talk to some actual Republicans or in the very least, read their forums.

    I've been saying this (to walls of silence) for a couple of months now and it seems that many on this forum are coming around in agreement - the mainstream "rightwing" is now represented by the birthers, the hypocrites, etc.

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  • WDCRob
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by Yaowarat View Post
    Are the teabaggers protesting the cost in dollars or lives of the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan? Does anyone know ?
    No... they're only protesting developments that came about after about November 4th, 2008.

    The idea that these aren't partisans is a joke. Based on the signs, posters, chants, speeches, legislative branch supporters and etc it's obvious that these "crowds" are made up almost entirely by the Republican Party's most loyal voters.

    And it's equally clear that what they're really protesting is Obama himself.

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  • Slimprofits
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by Mn_Mark View Post
    But at least with an unregulated financial institution I have the choice of not participating, not buying their product.
    Only if you've found a way to completely remove all influence from your life of the currency that said unregulated financial institutions do business in.

    Are you off the grid and living in a barter system?

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  • Yaowarat
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by metalman View Post
    bingo! tea party = right wing
    Are the teabaggers protesting the cost in dollars or lives of the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan? Does anyone know ?

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  • samgold
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Great discussion here.

    My humble opinion.

    The TEA parties show that there is a lot of frustration among those like me who believe the "majority" will make enough noise to make the right things happen, and that there is a check and balance. It is not happening now. I personally dont want my taxes to keep going up to benefit all kinds of people who refuse to contribute.

    Lately I have begun to realize that Democrats love to play with other peoples money (while making sure they themselves are covered and continue making more and more money).

    I have seen a pattern where every politician started out poor and humble, and (for eg. Biden) ends up a multi millionaire, with all kinds of people paying for their daily needs and some more. In that area, I have also noticed that the Republican politicians generally have had their own money before they began, and in that sense less less likely to take advantage.

    I have seen a pattern of more and more entitlements, with little responsibility. If my company shuts down, I lose my job and have to find another one. If I was part of a big union, then I would get paid regardless, and I would get retraining (now its is being put in the Cap and Trade Bill) and I get taken care of - as long as I vote for the right person.

    The insurance reform is another area of contention. Both sides have a point. The real point being - find a way to take care of people with pre existing conditions, find a way to help poor people get health care, especially the ones who are on govt subsidized housing, use food stamps etc. I do believe that if the govt took care of those problem areas (by perhaps offering another subsidy, or outright paying insurance for those that are in trouble or dont want to work) we could continue without too much change. Open up the archaic laws to allow more competition between insurance comapnies and premiums would come down. Limit mal practice liability, and the premiums would come down as doctors start practicing less defensive medicine. If I go to a doctor and say I have no insurance and would like to pay on my own (and I have done that as a test) my fee has been $50. The amount they charged insurance - $150. Why? because the billing company had to be paid, because it takes so long to get reimbursed, because there is risk in getting reimbursed etc. If we "fix" insurance, I believe the whole industry will change, and there will be a lot more private sector unemployment and a lot more govt employment - with the associated perks.

    By the way - most of the uninsured who everone is trying to help - the poor who are on food stamps etc. dont even know that this debate is going on. If they have a problem they go to the emergency room and they are fine with that. Truly. I have asked a few random people for their opinions at supermarket checkouts when they flash their food stamp card. They are more concerned about the next baseball game, the next party, and just ordinary things.

    I am frustrated at the moment, and considering DOING something to promote what I believe - for the first time.

    To me this means that frustration with what is going on has reached an unprecedented level compared to times before.

    And that is what you see in the TEA parties, million man marches etc.


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  • Master Shake
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by hayekvindicated View Post
    An old story from the 1950s from Nikita Kruschev's visit to America.

    The discussion starts with the Russian wanting to enquire how America's political system works.

    “In America, We have a two-party system," a Republican congressional staffer is supposed to have told a visiting group of Russian legislators.

    "There is the stupid party. And there is the evil party. I am proud to be a member of the stupid party."

    He added: "Periodically, the two parties get together and do something that is both stupid and evil. This is called—bipartisanship." :eek:
    I believe it was the conservative columnist Sam Francis who bestowed the Stupid Party and Evil Party labels on the Pubs and Dems, respectively, sometime in the early 90's.

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  • hayekvindicated
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    An old story from the 1950s from Nikita Kruschev's visit to America.

    The discussion starts with the Russian wanting to enquire how America's political system works.

    “In America, We have a two-party system," a Republican congressional staffer is supposed to have told a visiting group of Russian legislators.

    "There is the stupid party. And there is the evil party. I am proud to be a member of the stupid party."

    He added: "Periodically, the two parties get together and do something that is both stupid and evil. This is called—bipartisanship." :eek:
    Last edited by hayekvindicated; September 13, 2009, 09:07 AM.

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  • WDCRob
    Re: Mega TEA Party

    Originally posted by hayekvindicated View Post
    Why aren't all these people in prison? Jeff Skilling is cooling his heels behind bars for having done a lot less damage!
    Amen - it's obscene.

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