Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
This just in...
Gov. auditor says fiscal outlook is 'spiraling out of control'
Feb. 26, 2007
Congress's auditor warned in a monthly update released last Friday that the latest data on America's fiscal outlook shows "a federal debt burden that ultimately spirals out of control."
The January update was based on new data supplied to the Government Accountability Office by the Congressional Budget Office, and identified spiraling national health care costs as the main culprit for the country's budgetary woes. The report also challenged a key assumption about the nation's fiscal future made by President George W. Bush in his release of the 2008 budget.
Using a pair of different simulations of government outlays, the GAO bluntly states that "the Nation's long-term fiscal future is 'at risk.'" It considers different futures in which discretionary spending grows more quickly or slowly, and in which tax cuts are renewed or allowed to expire.
No announcement yet.
Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
Re: Ka-Poom Theory: backhanded confirmation methods
Originally posted by c1ueMr. Janszen, other readers of this thread,
I was wondering how instructive would be the yen denominated gold behavior was during the Japan bubble era as well as the immediate aftermath.
I ask because while the interest rate policy in Japan would seem to be an attempt to 'mildly' inflate out of their predicament and would thus not hold exact parallels to our present US situation, but a behavior similarity could be useful given the likely inflationary scenario out of the present credit vicious cycle.
As such, I created a table based on the 'average' price of gold (also max/min) during a given year vs. the 'average' yen/$ price. For the heck of it I also inserted high/low gold vs. high/low yen but this is not so useful as the relative dates are likely different.
Source data was for gold/$ and for yen/$
The graph does not show a major gold spike - but it does show a very consistent trend of yen strengthening vs. gold.
I would like to hear opinions of this.
(Sorry for the junk around the picture - I don't have a personal web site for posting photos so I chose this one as the first to pop up on Google!)
1) The Bank of Japan made the mistake of allowing inflation to fall below 0%, as the Fed did in 1930. The Fed did not make the same error in 2001 and won't again; the Fed has explicitly stated its intention to monetize everything in sight, if necessary, to prevent that from occurring. There is some debate on whether buying mortgages, stocks, and so on, will effectively stop deflation. My position is that it is as likely to work too well as not work at all, resulting in a loss of confidence in the currency and a hyperinflation.
2) Japan was running a current account surplus before their stock and real estate bubbles collapsed, much as the US did in the 1920s. When the domestic debt market contracts, countries that run a current account surplus encounter deflationary currency appreciation versus countries like the UK in the 1930s and the US since the 1980s which have been running current account deficits and are instead vulnerable to inflationary currency depreciation.Last edited by EJ; January 23, 2007, 12:50 PM.
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Ka-Poom Theory: backhanded confirmation methods
Mr. Janszen, other readers of this thread,
I was wondering how instructive would be the yen denominated gold behavior was during the Japan bubble era as well as the immediate aftermath.
I ask because while the interest rate policy in Japan would seem to be an attempt to 'mildly' inflate out of their predicament and would thus not hold exact parallels to our present US situation, but a behavior similarity could be useful given the likely inflationary scenario out of the present credit vicious cycle.
As such, I created a table based on the 'average' price of gold (also max/min) during a given year vs. the 'average' yen/$ price. For the heck of it I also inserted high/low gold vs. high/low yen but this is not so useful as the relative dates are likely different.
Source data was for gold/$ and for yen/$
The graph does not show a major gold spike - but it does show a very consistent trend of yen strengthening vs. gold.
I would like to hear opinions of this.
(Sorry for the junk around the picture - I don't have a personal web site for posting photos so I chose this one as the first to pop up on Google!)
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
What is needed is some grassroots capitalism; but central planners don't understand grassroots anything.
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
Great post.
Some musings of mine on what form the reflation might take, and whether its possible to pull it off in a way that saves face:
As you said, the challenge is to "spread the wealth around" while still getting business off the ground again. I don't think they really know how to "create" this situation, especially after just giving money to the already-rich has been tried. What is needed is some grassroots capitalism; but central planners don't understand grassroots anything.
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
Originally posted by jkonce i saw the reference in levey and brown to the great national savings embedded in higher house prices, i rolled my eyes and stopped reading. i don't understand how anyone called an economist can look at rising asset prices as "wealth creation" - the usual description for this nonsense. where are the new factories and laboratories? those create wealth. the u.s. has long invested too much capital in its housing stock, and while mae west said "too much of a good thing can be wonderful," i don't think our recent housing binge will work out that way.
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
Originally posted by PeterMI do think the US has a proven track record of being resilient and innovative, and part of the US society will prosper in the future. However I don’t think the leadership of the last decades will last, and I do think a smaller part of the US society will remain middle class. Therefore I really doubt if the US consumption will be sustainable and I don't expect that the savings glut will keep flowing to the US.
the nightmare scenario that levey and brown analyze, foreign holders of dollar assets, especially foreign cb's, suddenly deciding that dollars are anathema, never seemed quite plausible. why, for example, would china want to shoot itself in the factories by making it harder to export to the u.s.? however, if the u.s. goes into a housing led recession, with consumption much reduced, then the chinese no longer have to worry about losing the u.s. consumption market -- it will already be gone.Last edited by jk; September 19, 2006, 01:17 PM.
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
Thanks for your comments, Peter. I think it is great to gain some insights from those of you outside the U.S. Keep contributing.
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
Thank EJ,
Originally posted by EJIf you were an American traveling overseas, who did so every year since 2001, what is happening is obvious. You only need to go as far as Canada where the US and Canadian dollar are close to parity, or Mexico, now no longer a cheap vacation destination for US travelers.
Originally posted by EJAs I have pointed out before, central banks are run by people. A hyperinflation is the end result of a series of previous bad decisions dating back many years. The analogy is a company, like Ford, that has failed to invest enough in R&D or in the right kind of R&D (USA, Inc. is strong on Marketing and Sales) and finds itself stuffing the sales channel one quarter to buy time to figure out how to either increase end user sales or borrow more money to make payroll, except payroll in the case of a government is owed to the voters who keep the government in office. That's how a hyperinflation starts. One bad quarter leads to another, and if the country has as much debt as the US has, things can turn ugly very quickly and little warning.
Originally posted by EJ
That premise can be found at several placed in their piece, e.g.
Despite the persistence and pervasiveness of this doomsday prophecy, U.S. hegemony is in reality solidly grounded: it rests on an economy that is continually extending its lead in the innovation and application of new technology, ensuring its continued appeal for foreign central banks and private investors.,
There are key differences, however, between those emerging-market cases and the current condition of the global hegemon. The United States' external liabilities are denominated in its own currency, which remains the global monetary standard, and its economy remains on the frontier of global technological innovation, attracting foreign capital as well as immigrant labor with its rapid growth and the high returns it generates for investors, and
The United States--thanks to its openness, its low regulatory burden, its flexible labor and capital markets, a positive environment for new business formation, and a financial market that supports new technology--has dominated every phase of this technological wave. The spread of the IT revolution to additional sectors and new industries thus makes a revival of U.S.-bound private capital flows likely.
I hear the same argument in the Eu. We 'the smart' innovate and export out knowledge. They 'the cheap workers abroad' will make the stuff. May be true 20 years ago, but nowadays India and China produce vast volumes of high quality engineers. Just compare the quality of import cars. Do you still feel the US cars have a technological edge?
Furthermore and IMHO (don't want to offend anybody) part of the innovation in the US did and still rests on imported brains. You have brilliant ‘native’ Americans, but I was always impressed by the large percentage of highly qualified immigrants I found in R&D areas.
I expect the continuation of several developments that will decrease the 'innovation advantage' of the developed industrial world. First the living standard in emerging countries will rise, so there is less incentive for the best and brightest to move to the US. Secondly the amount of well trained people in the emerging countries will eclipse the output in the US. Thirdly, IMHO the desire of the 'average youth’ to get educated in the developed world is less than the urge of the youth who is fighting to improve him/herself in the developing counties. And fourth IMO the quality and resources spend on education in the West is less than desirable.
I don't know when this will influence economic balances, developments often take much longer that I expected.
Unfortunately only a fraction of the population has the education and intellect to be competitive on the international knowledge based market that some promote. I am not trying to be elitarian here nor judgmental, I would rather not have it that way, but I see it as an unavoidable result of earlier choices. Without trade barriers and with international wage arbitration I see a future where a small ‘intellect geek’ and ‘intellect jock’ group will have good jobs, another group that caters (housing, health, etc.) for this group, and imports of everything that can be produced cheaply abroad. The result being a smaller middle class, and many that will fall back in life style. I cannot see how such a smaller ‘knowledge based’ group can function as the consumption engine of the world.
Then to go back to the thesis of Levey and Brown: I fail to grasp how they see a total broad US economy that remains on the frontier of global technological innovation. Even IF a smaller group is able to remain on the frontier, and is not overrun by the shear volume of well trained equally brilliant Chinese, what does the larger mass do? They had good manufacturing jobs but these jobs are gone. What is the US going to export to fund the flat screens and SUVs? How is the US going to pay for the oil and energy required to sustain current lifestyles?
Still Levey and Brown think that foreigners will pour their savings glut into the US as the US has a lasting innovation based economy combined with deep, liquid, safe and well regulated financial markets.
The U.S. dollar will remain dominant in global trade, payments, and capital flows, based as it is in a country with safe, well-regulated financial markets. Provided U.S. firms maintain their entrepreneurial edge--and despite much anxiety, there is little reason to expect otherwise--global asset managers will continue to want to hold portfolios rich in U.S. corporate stocks and bonds.
I agree that everything is relative but to call the financial markets safe and well regulated? Does this include the perceived safety net of derivatives???
And then this:
The fear is that a sudden reluctance by foreigners to continue exporting their excess savings to the United States would choke off the investment needed to sustain economic growth, sending the U.S. economy into crisis.
This explanation becomes less alarming, however, when you consider that both savings and investment are seriously undervalued in U.S. economic accounts. Capital gains on equities, 401(k) plans, and home values are excluded from measurements of personal saving; when they are added, total U.S. domestic saving is around 20 percent of GDP--about the same rate as in other developed economies. The national account also excludes "intangible" investment: spending on knowledge-creating activities such as on-the-job training, new-product development and testing, design and blueprint experimentation, and managerial time spent on workplace organization. Economists at the National Bureau of Economic Research estimate that intangible investment grew rapidly during the 1990s and is now at least as large as physical investment in plant and equipment: more than $1 trillion per year, or 10 percent of GDP. Consequently, the size and growth rate of the U.S. economy have been seriously underestimated. In fact, when tangible and intangible investment are both counted, the apparent (and much decried) increase in consumer spending as a share of GDP turns out to be a statistical artifact.
Two notes here. Do they mean that capital gains on stocks and home values should be counted as savings? (I would not agree on that). Or do they make the point that other countries do that, so to make a correct comparison you should add it? Then I would like to see a table as some specific comparisons.
The second note is about the whole concept of ‘intangibles’. Always good for endless discussions in M&A proceedings. I have trouble to believe that this research and knowledge investment suddenly grew so much in the 1990s (outside may be the IT). But then, what was the proven true value of those investments over the years and how much should be considered just costs?
I see the intangible stories more as an attempt to further beef up the perceived value of a company, and increase the value of option portfolios, fees of consultants and bankers in the M&A activities. It is a ‘dark matter’ that is quite hard to define/valuate and it can evaporate quickly. What is the value of those patent portfolios, apart from being a cost in lawyers and litigation? What is the value of a pilot plant built for a process that was abandoned?
But I have even more doubt to see an underestimation of ‘dark matter intangible investments’ as reason to define the increase in consumer spending as share of GDP as a ‘statistical artifact’. I would really like to see their statistical model of the data analysis and the p-values.
Throughout their editorial I sense a use of words designed to appease the reader, the use of terms like ‘statistical’ to convey a sense of trust and validity (that is not there IMHO), and a use of statements that are often not backed by data or references.
The rebuttal a month later by Setser and Roubini is interesting but focuses on account balances, action and reactions of the lenders, the mutual enjoyable consumer / lender dependency, etc.. Unfortunately it does not address the underlying assumptions and underpinning in the thesis of Levey and Brown (continuing innovative quality of the US economy and deep well regulated financial markets, which make the US a most desirable place to invest and preferred recipient for the global savings glut).
I do think the US has a proven track record of being resilient and innovative, and part of the US society will prosper in the future. However I don’t think the leadership of the last decades will last, and I do think a smaller part of the US society will remain middle class. Therefore I really doubt if the US consumption will be sustainable and I don't expect that the savings glut will keep flowing to the US.
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
my take-away from "fooled by randomness" was that unusual events, "black swans" you can't even conceive of until you see them, happen far more often than expected. fat tail events happen.
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Re: Fooled By Randomness- volatility - grat book
I read the book and enjoyed it - The most valuable take-away is the reminder that volatility is a part of life (and financial markets) - reminds you to be suspect of stocks the increase in straight line linear fashion - perhaps its a great investment or perhaps earnings and numbers are being managed.
Too often the US CEO must focus on straight line linear result to please the financial market mavens - no matter what the long term cost. Sometimes the best long term investments have lots of volatility and you need to be able to ride out the troughs.
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
hello from germany,
i would just say "thank you" for all the fantastic posts.
i really enjoy reading the site and all the profound comments.
jan-martin aka sparki
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
Originally posted by PeterMThanks for clarifying it again.
Do I read you correctly that you are shortening the 'inflation box', and move the second 'disflation-Ka box' to the arrow?
Originally posted by PeterMI tend to agree with you that the politicians worldwide will try to inflate their way out of their debt. But I still wonder about the role of the FED and their willingness to go for that end-game. Deflation and problems at non-FED banks may create some nice 'opportunities' to consolidate the financial service sector in the hands of a few member-banks.
The consequenses for the happy few might even be beneficial. Even if the top .1% would loose money in nominal terms, it wold not matter to them if through decreased asset values their spending power would enable them to get 90% of the wealth. I don't want to get in the conspiracy theories here but I always wonder 'who benefits' and 'who has the means' to realign the circumstances so they get what they want. Not that everything is orchestrated but a pack of greedy individuals and political enablers can make a big mess. The quality of life of the masses is not always their top priority.
But I agree, ... if the future rhymes with the past decades we must expect massive liquidity and inflation. Where does that lead us?
Do you have any ideas about the level of inflation and if it will result in hyperinflation? e.g. Weimar style.
Did a high inflation ever had a good outcome .... that is ... debt inflated away and slow contraction to normality. Or will the big boom be followed by an even nastier Ka?
Another point I can't get my mind around how it would work out with the lender countries. I live in Holland and from my perspective we too have an official low CPI, with stagnent wages and a central bank creating 9% money out of nothing. I think I read China is pumping double that, India too. So what if every central bank pumps the money supply and we all race to devalue our currency?
Is it possible to inflate your debt away if the lender devalues at the same rate?
The US economy is supposed to have restructured around the depreciated dollar by now, with a significant increase in exports. They have increased by only 20% 2001 - 2005, from US$729B to $904B...
US Exports
...while the dollar depreciated 25% against a basket of currencies and NIIP increased 38% from negative $6.2T to negative $10T.
The US increasingly relies on sales of capital goods to fund cash flow. But the cheap dollar has its upside.... it's pleasant to see Mexican, Canadian, European and Asian travelers in NYC and other places again.
As I have pointed out before, central banks are run by people. A hyperinflation is the end result of a series of previous bad decisions dating back many years. The analogy is a company, like Ford, that has failed to invest enough in R&D or in the right kind of R&D (USA, Inc. is strong on Marketing and Sales) and finds itself stuffing the sales channel one quarter to buy time to figure out how to either increase end user sales or borrow more money to make payroll, except payroll in the case of a government is owed to the voters who keep the government in office. That's how a hyperinflation starts. One bad quarter leads to another, and if the country has as much debt as the US has, things can turn ugly very quickly and little warning.
''How did you go bankrupt?"
''Two Ways. Gradually, and then suddenly."
Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises
Here is a well stated counter-argument.Last edited by FRED; September 19, 2006, 09:27 AM.
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
Originally posted by jkwell, what WOULD you do? or is it: what would YOU do?
Original 1999 Ka-Poom Theory
- National currencies are primarily valued by the relative economic strength of trading partners with floating currencies, except for the U.S. dollar.
- A major component of dollar strength is the unique demand for dollars due to the dollar's reserve currency status.
- Dollar demand and thus price is supported by all nations trading with the U.S. and among each other as all need dollars for international exchange, especially for oil.
- If dollar reserve currency status declines, either gradually via euro diversification or suddenly due to an event that causes a loss in confidence in the future purchasing power of the dollar, dollar demand and value declines in kind.
- U.S. interest rates are low mostly due to demand for U.S. debt from foreign central banks of nations, especially Asian, that seek to keep U.S. consumers borrowing at low interest rates to purchase their exports using strong dollars, e.g., Asian "vendor financing."
- Ka: A random exogenous event (e.g., a stock market crash predicted in 1999 for year 2000 and recession predicted for 2001) intensifies disinflation created by Asian vendor financing, causing the Fed to shift from bubble fighting to anti-deflation polices.
- Fed responds with an excessive cheap money policy, targeting Fed funds rate below the inflation rate.
- The Fed keeps interest rates too low for too long, creating a new asset bubble. But in what? We did not know in 1999. The answer: real estate and other credit sensitive assets.
- Poom: A random or not so random exogenous event that has not yet happened (the stock market crash we predicted for 2000 did not have the impact we expected but a collapsing housing bubble may do it) exposes the true level of risk to lenders that is inherent in this unbalanced system, causing lenders to loose confidence in the future purchasing power of the dollar and seek alternative reserve assets.
- Interest rates and inflation rise rapidly as dollar demand and value falls, import prices rise, and the Fed moves to raise rates to stem the tide or dollar repatriation.
- The first foreign central banks to move will be those with the least exposure to losses in national income from sales of exports to the U.S. or depreciation in the value of the dollars they are holding as reserve assets (e.g., France).
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Re: Ka-Poom Theory is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History
Originally posted by ejThe Fed now needs to be mindful that there are trillions of dollars held overseas by creditors who will want to see the US take some of the same medicine the IMF demands be taken by debtor countries that are using freshly money borrowed from other countries to restructure after blowing the last money they'd borrowed: fiscal discipline in the form of higher taxes and spending cuts. Indeed the Fed proposes the opposite policy strategy for the next round of post-bubble deflation fighting–even further cuts in taxes, even more government spending and all manner of new kinds of printing to pay for it all. If the Fed intends to "go it alone," then these creditors will worry that the US intends to pay them back on the cheap. If you were in their shoes, what would you do?
the ka-poom model is illuminating, but its light doesn't shine much beyond u.s. shores. in this ever more globalized world, we need a model that embeds a u.s. ka-poom in the global economy. one model is the schiff scenario, discussed in a couple of threads under "general discussion." the schiff scenario hinges on a sharp devaluation of the dollar.
the big background question is whether the u.s. follows a japanese path, or an argentine one. i'm reminded of an interview with an argentine economist or finance ministry official, who was asked what happened to all the dollars that were lent to argentina. why couldn't argentina pay its debts? where did the money go? "we enjoyed it very much," was the reply.
the hitch in the argentine metaphor has been the fact that the u.s. dollar is the international reserve currency. we borrow in our own currency, so we can print it. argentina enjoyed the money very much, but it didn't have that ultimate luxury - being able to print its payments.
Originally posted by petermAnother point I can't get my mind around how it would work out with the lender countries. I live in Holland and from my perspective we too have an official low CPI, with stagnent wages and a central bank creating 9% money out of nothing. I think I read China is pumping double that, India too. So what if every central bank pumps the money supply and we all race to devalue our currency?
So the schiff scenario depends upon the pboc allowing the dollar to drop faster than the yuan. This in turn would depend on the level of confidence among chinese leadership that the chinese domestic economy is strong enough to get through significant shrinkage of the u.s. export market. But chinese malinvestment in state owned enterprises and redundant export production capacity makes the chinese economy vulnerable.
It’s hard for me to see the chinese allowing the dollar to drop sharply against the yuan within the next few weeks or months. Several years from now it might be conceivable. I think these processes will take a long time to play out.
Another question, though, is whether the pboc will have a choice in the matter of the yuan-dollar exchange rate. If the u.s. consumer is tapped out because of high debt levels and the end of the housing bubble, then there IS no u.s. export market for the chinese to sell to. there is no more attraction to accumulating dollars or dollar assets, and the dollar assets they hold will be diminishing in value. getting back to what would I do if i were a foreign holder of american bonds/dollars - i'd spend every american cent i had buying assets and capital goods, as quickly as i could.
so maybe it won't take such a long time to play out, after all.Last edited by jk; September 18, 2006, 09:46 PM.
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