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Harmon Taylor: America's Legal Reality

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  • Harmon Taylor: America's Legal Reality


    10 May A.D. 2008

    It's great to see so many articles and discussions regarding the "funny money" system. As the awareness of what has happened and what is still happening with the money continues to grow and spread, there's an increased possibility that an accompanying awareness of the law will also grow and spread.

    To solve a problem, we must first identify it correctly.

    There persists a confusion as to the nature of the law that applies, generally, in a place called "United States." To address that confusion with the intent of clearing it up, let's start with recognizing a distinction between the "place" called "United States" and the place called America. To begin to distinguish these two "places" is to begin to understand the different "choices of law."

    What's a "choice of law?" It's the law that applies in that "place." So, if we were in Great Britain, we'd expect British law to apply. If we were in Nazi Germany, we'd expect Nazi law to apply.

    "Choice of law" can be agreed to. So, if one party to the deal is in Great Britain, and the other party to the deal is in Nazi Germany, it's still fully within the law for them to agree that the law of France (or of Belgium, or Spain, or China, or … ) shall govern their agreement.

    The "choice of law" for the place called America is the Common Law. Per the Common Law, the lawful Money is gold and silver coin.

    The "choice of law" for the "place" called "United States" is maritime law. How do we know? The "best evidence" is the "funny money" scam. "Funny money" is not an asset; it's a debt instrument. It's evidence of debt. And, it's actually considerably worse than that. It's not an "honest system of weights and measures," for there is no weight or measure even associated with it, whatsoever. Going way to the end of that discussion, it's legally impossible for "funny money" to circulate lawfully in America. In America, "funny money" isn't just Ponzi-scheme-type fraud; it's Treason. It's an act of war against the people who are in America. So, if that's the case, why is no one even going to jail for fraud? Because the "funny money" doesn't circulate in America! It circulates in "United States." In short, there HAS to be a different "choice of law," and it has to be commercial (maritime time), because the Common Law sees "funny money" as one of the topmost acts of Treason that can ever exist against a civilized society.

    So, the "choice of law" for the "place" called "United States" has to be maritime law, because no one is going to jail for running the "funny money" scam. And, we know, at the same time, that both America and "United States" have to exist, for there have to be different "places" for there to be different "choices of law."

    Getting, then, to the Subject line for this note, we see that the popularized statement about not caring who makes the laws has to be an egregiously bold lie! If the "place" based on maritime law were not already "in place," i.e., if it didn't first exist, or if it didn't exist at least at the same time that the "funny money" is first foisted upon the unsuspecting population(s), then all that running the "funny money" scam would do would be to put those fraud-feasors, and worse, into jail.

    So, to be very clear on the concept, both the "place" and its "laws" must exist before or simultaneously with that very first issuance of the "funny money" in any place that would otherwise assert application of the Common Law. Key to realizing this connection is realizing that the basis for the Common Law is Scripture. Via Scripture, The Lord is superabundantly clear that there shall be an honest system of weights and measures in place. To get sideways from that is to beg for Judgment. (We can discuss The Four Sour Judgments, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the first four Seals, all of which are the same, and which are War, Famine, Pestilence (Disease), and "Beasts," some other time.)

    Applying that to the Subject line is simple and direct. There can't be any "funny money" scam UNTIL that separate place is created.

    At the end of the day, then, when someone actively involved in perpetuating the "funny money" scam tells us that he doesn't care who makes the laws, he tells us that he hasn't the first clue how his "funny money" system functions! This is all the more the case in those places where the people originally organized themselves under the Common Law, i.e., under The Law of God.


    Let's take this understanding and apply it at least one more step down this road. There's been a great deal of "jew bashing" in the past several decades, with a focus on banking control and media control and political control and all that. One of the concepts that is used regularly to support or to justify "blaming the jews" for all our problems comes from the "I don't care who makes the laws" statement, which is attributed to Rothschild, who is considered "jewish," and a banker. Rarely included in that discussion is the fact that he is also BRITISH.

    With that in mind, since we know that there can't be any "funny money," whatsoever, in England or America, we know that "Great Britain," or now the "European Union," must be exactly the same type of place as "United States." And, none of those "places" creates itself. None of those "places" creates its laws out of thin air, either.

    Thus, FIRST came the "law," and THEN came the banks with their "funny money" scams.

    Now, let's take this even one more step.

    To know Scripture is to know "who's who." Israel of the Bible IS the Anglo-Saxon people around the world. So, associating "jews" with Israel is another "false flag" operation. Israel (we Anglo-Saxons) ARE the Whore riding the "Beast." We ARE the "Beast." We ARE the False Prophet. We ARE the "anti-christs" (which term is always found in the plural or in the context of plural in all four places it appears in the New Testament). There's no one on the face of this planet who understands these truths better than the Crown, and there's no source greater than the Crown behind (1) the laws that have allowed the "funny money" scam and (2) the lies attributed to the "jews" that then become the basis for the "jew bashing" phenomenon.

    Therefore, I can assure you with the greatest of confidence that Rothschild & Co. most assuredly do care who makes the laws! Without those "law"-makers, there'd be no "funny money" scam, for there'd be no "place" in which they could run it, and thus no "laws" allowing it, without his instantly being charged with Treason.

    Now, let's go one more step, and we'll finish this one.

    Those who stop at the "blame game" level of the problem still don't "get it." Which one of us has had someone else hold a gun to our heads and, under threat of killing us, compelled us to use the "funny money?" Right. Not one of us. We use that stuff, which is tantamount to a rebellion against our God, fully voluntarily.

    The solution, then, is literally in our hands. We don't HAVE to use that stuff. And, once the businesses start allowing their customers and clients and patients to trade in lawful Money, that circulation will slowly but surely drive the "funny money" people out of business. Kahre out in Nevada was "attacked," literally at gun point, because he is doing what we all must do, namely getting Money back into circulation.

    It's not just a "tax" issue. It's a matter of national survival.

    "Choice of law" is exactly that. It's a choice! To use "funny money" is to vote for "voluntary bondage" with every single transaction. To use Godly Money is to vote for Liberty under God with every single transaction.

    We have before us the same choice we've always had. We're experiencing the Judgments (Curses) of our God which exist because we're in rebellion. One part of that rebellion is our addiction to the "funny money." As it becomes clearer and clearer that our choosing "funny money" is death to us, as a nation, maybe we'll be all the more motivated to pick life, part of which means using an honest system of weights and measures.

    As a nation, we've been taught to play the "blame game." Here's what that does. It puts the responsibility for fixing the problem "out there," somewhere, which means that the "victims" of the problem have ZERO control over either the problem or the solution. That is a helpless and hopeless circumstance, where the abusers don't stop abusing, and the victims remain victimized. Why? Because the victims place the burden of change on someone else.

    To take personal responsibility for the matter is to do this. It puts the responsibility for fixing the problem "right here," where there's 100% control over it. The problem, then, is fixed instantly, for now the one person in a position to fix it has done so.

    No one decides how his customers may trade with him except the one running that business. In this reality, there is no one else on the face of the planet to blame besides the person he sees in the mirror.

    Harmon L. Taylor
    Legal Reality
    Dallas, Texas
    Last edited by FRED; January 30, 2012, 08:36 AM.